Omaha 5th grade students prove 500 ml (bottle #1) + 500 ml (bottle #2) is 1000 ml. Also, students proved that 1000 ml is 1 Liter by placing 1000 ml of water into a Liter water bottle. Great Job Omaha 5th grade!!!
Dyslexia Interventionists from area schools recently attended Part 2 of Level 11 screening processes presented by Stacy Mahurin. Lots of knowledge was gained and great conversations took place!
Middle school teachers from OUR Co-op districts attended a session presented by John Hart-Computer Science Specialist and Dallas Henderson-RISE Regional Specialist on the new DESE program, "READ, CODE, CREATE." This program demonstrates the ease of incorporting computer science, ltieracy and STEM education into meaningful and engaging activities for Arkansas students. Sixth grade teachers were provided a classroom set of the books, and all other teachers were given a copy.
Food service staff from the OUR Co-op districts met this week at the co-op to gain updated information related to their food service buying group.
A session focusing on "Creating Effective Literacy C neters in the K-2 Classroom" was presented today by literacy specialist, Pattie Wheeler, and recruitment and retention support specialist, Suzanne Grant.
Last week, specialists from OURESC had the opportunity to spend the week teaching at Marvell-Elaine High School. The team considered it a privilige to support the students and staff of this community.
OUR Education Co-op District Test Coordinators participating in a work day preparing for the administration of the ACT Aspire Summative Assessment.
OUR Education Co-op science teachers participated in GPS 101--Implementing Arkansas Science Standards today. Many thanks to Aaron Buchman, science specialist from Northeast Arkansas Education Co-op, for presenting this session for the teachers in our area.
Congratulations Berryville High School Business program for being recognized by OUR Co-Op and DCTE as our Regional CTE Showcase program! These showcases are intended to increase awareness of Career and Technical Education opportunities both within CTE courses and Career and Technical Student Organizations and showcase outstanding and innovative programs in the 15 regions of the state.
Check out Governor Sanders congratulatory video to Berryville High School here!:
"When thinking about the items required for a CTE showcase, I immediately thought of Janeyce Sprouse at Berryville High School because I think she is doing some amazing, out-of-the-box work that I would love others to see and learn about. I especially think she does a great job of giving students an opportunity to gain work-based learning experience while at school, which is a hot topic across the state right now and something she has mastered." - Emilee Tucker, CTE Coordinator, OUR Co-Op.
#CultivateCTE #CTEmonth #WeAreCTE
Our CTE Coordinator, Emilee Tucker, received a grant from DCTE to purchase 12 virtual reality headsets with career exploration software which allows students to participate in simulations of several different high-demand occupations. Emilee is taking these headsets into 7th and 8th grade Career Development classes this spring. Our co-op schools will have access to these headsets through the 2024-25 school year.
Area special education staff participate in a transition training. Kindergarten here we come!
OUR CTE Coordinator, Emilee Tucker, along with the Harrison Regional Chamber of Commerce and Claridge hosted WIN Leadership Academy graduates from Fall 2021 & 2022 for the Spring 2023 WLA meeting. Educators had the opportunity to tour Claridge and discuss topics such as essential skills that need taught in the classroom, beneficial certifications, what Claridge looks for in potential employees and how educators can set students up for success after graduation. After the tour, educators collaborated and shared CTE successes at their school impacted by WIN including career fairs, reverse career fairs, truck and shows, and collaborations with core teachers.
We were honored to have Gordon Eichelberger, DCTE Agriculture Program Coordinator and DCTE Regional Specialist for OUR, in attendance at this session.
Other participants included principals, counselors, core teachers, and CTE teachers from the following schools: Alpena, Bergman, Bruno-Pyatt, Deer, Eureka Springs, Flippin, Green Forest, Harrison, and Mt. Judea.
We appreciate the investment and impact these WLA educators are making in the lives of our students and communities!
The Arkansas Instructional Innovation Association (aiia) will be having our annual conference on Saturday, February 11th from 9:00 am-4:00 pm at the Ronnie Williams Student Center on the University of Central Arkansas Campus. This year's theme will be "Designing for Digital Citizens" featuring Keynote Speaker Dr. Kriston Mattson. Miss Arkansas, Ebony Mitchell, will also be a guest speaker. We have an awesome schedule of sessions in the following strands:
Online Teaching Innovation
Tech and Technology Innovation
Digital Citizenship Innovation
Strategies for 2023 and Beyond
Playground Demos
Regular registration is only $45 and student registration is $25.
Summer AP Workshop Opportunities: In Person and Online
Several of the OUR Staff recently attended the 2023 AACIA Conference in Benton. Mike Mattos was the guest speaker on Behavior Solutions for Arkansas Schools. A great learning opportunity!!
David Hanson recently worked with our Year 2 Take Flight participants. Lots of great learning for the students in our area!!
K-2 has completed another RISE Academy!! Lots of fun meeting new teachers and lots of great learning to support our youngest learners become readers!!
Sound Wall training recently at Berryville Primary School!!! Working hard to strengthen knowledge around the sounds of the English Language!!
Open position at OUR Education Service Co-op
Want to come work at OUR Co-op?